As a homeschool mom, I truly want to educate my children well. As a believer in Christ, I desire to do everything for God’s glory, whether it’s schooling my children, keeping the house, or even my least favorite activity… laundry. Sometimes, I think it’s a good idea for homeschooling moms to step back and evaluate their homeschooling journey. Occasionally, we need to ask ourselves if we are educating our children to the best of our ability and really taking homeschooling seriously. Don’t we want educated Christians? …Believers, who can think, defend their faith well through the verbal and written word.

One of my desires as a homeschooling mom is that my children would enjoy their learning experience. I try to provide some fun activities along our homeschooling journey. I want my children to enjoy the learning process as much as possible, but let’s face it school work can’t always be fun there comes a point where it just has to be done.

Over the last fifteen years of homeschooling, I have watched sections of the homeschooling community go through changes, as more families jump on the homeschooling bandwagon.  The majority of homeschoolers I interact with are Christians, which makes the changes I observe even more discouraging. What I have observed over the years is that some of the homeschooling families are not truly preparing their children academically. The shift in homeschooling at least in some segments in my opinion seems to have swung too far. Some methods of homeschooling tend to foster this movement more than others. However, it seems no matter what method of homeschooling chosen many of the families run from clubs, to park days, to this or that. They are also members of multiple homeschool groups, co-ops etc. These are not bad things, but with all the activities and running around going on how much quality academic learning is taking place. In the quest to make sure the children are socialized, too many activities maybe forsaking an emphasis on academics.

A word of caution, there are so many great curriculum choices available for the homeschool community. Many created by homeschooling parents themselves. Some of these are wonderful, but others lack the depth and breadth needed to educate beyond a surface level of understanding especially in the middle and upper grades.

I am not making an argument that homeschooling look like public education. I pray it looks far different than a classroom. I  think there are many wonderful homeschooling methods. There is not one right way to homeschool.  However, whatever method used, at some point, subject matter should be taught if the home school parent is actually going to home school, and from my personal experience, you have to be home sometime to actually homeschool, not running from event to event.

I understand that not all students are college bound, but that does not give me an excuse, if my child is able not to educate them as if they are. One day they may want to attend college and I want the transition to be a smooth one.

My desire is that I would prepare my children for what the Lord has planned for them. I do not want them to have to suffer consequences, and overcome certain obstacles because I did not prepare them well. There are enough things in life they are going to face without me adding to it because I didn’t do my job to the best of my ability.

What I am not talking about is perfection, and having eight children I know too well there will be days with sick children, crying babies. etc. I just want to encourage homeschool moms to find the balance needed, so that we don’t neglect the academic side especially as the children get older.

Finally, we are not guaranteed more than the current moment on this earth. What if something happened to me or something happened in the family and my children had to be placed into a structured school setting. How would they do? Whether we like it or not these are realities that could happen. I pray not, but I must ask myself have I given my children what they need, so that academically the transition would be as easy as possible. Have I lived out the gospel in front of them? Have I taught them the things of God, so that they might stand strong on their own?

What should the goal as Christian homeschooling parents be? I cannot say what that is for your child, or your family, but as for my children, I pray they would live a holy life and bring Glory to God in all areas of their life.  I pray that I would be found faithful… and that I prepared them well.

 How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog–it’s here a little while, then it’s gone. James 4:14

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1Corinthians 10:31

 For everything comes from him, exists by his power, and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! Romans 11:36

You guide me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny.  Whom have I in heaven but you? I desire you more than anything on earth. Psalm73:24-26

Kim has been married for twenty-four years and a minister’s wife for more than twenty years. She has eight children. Their ages range from a twenty year old down to a four year old.  After teaching in public and private school for several years, she has now been homeschooling her own children for the last fifteen years. She would like to say she reads, travels and does all kinds of wonderful things in her spare time, but the truth is she spends her spare time doing laundry.