
All things spring! The calendar flipped to March and we’re sharing habits for a new season. Amidst the spring cleaning, be sure to make it a habit to enjoy…

“Push me high! I want an adventure!” she shrills. So, of course, I do. I push her high.

And she yells, “oh I’m going as high as sister! And I can see my favorite tree!

I didn’t know she had a favorite tree. But now I do.

So I teach her to pump. Legs forward and back. Swing them hard. Forward and back. “Look! I’m doing it Mama!”

All because I said yes. And stepped outside to soak up the glorious blue sky.

I could have stayed and swept that mud-tracked kitchen floor. The laundry, now three baskets full, begged to be folded.

But I would have missed it.

Who could resist a patio set for two? Requested cookies, cheese blocks with apple juice and coffee.

It’s worth it. It’s worth it.

Accept that invitation. This spring as the weather warms, you’ll be invited. Little ones might bring hand written invitations or lead you out to afternoon tea. Abandon the chores. Join the party!

You’ll make memories for always.

an update from the Hodgepodge archives

-Tricia homeschools five children from preschool to middle school. She’s forsaken life in the drive thru lane for the road home. She’s saving bucks and her sanity with the frugal recipes and sock it away strategies of her Southern roots. You can find her facing that daily dose of chaos at Hodgepodge. Tricia is a.k.a. Hodgepodgemom.