1. Making Cookies for our “Tea Time” 
2.The Table is set and ready 

1. My youngest serving his older brother
2.My oldest serving me

“Come on mom stop taking pictures we’re starving for our cookies”
You may ask why have Tea Time (especially if you only have boys). Well, I have several answers for that question and here they are:
1. It is a FUN way to practice manners
2. It’s a FUN way to practice sitting still and quiet
3. Use the time to read poetry, some other type of literature, listen to an audio book, classical music or hymns
4. Use the time to come together in the middle of the day or in the middle of the week to talk about books that are being read a certain subject that is being studied or just about anything , a chance to catch up with each other(especially with older kids).
In essence Tea Time for you family can be a time to just enjoy each other!