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One of my favorite subjects when I was in school was science and it is still one of my favorites to do with my kids!  It is one of the first books I purchase when I am planning for the next school year and it is a subject I always make sure we get to on its scheduled day during the school year.

I am always looking for fun ideas and projects to do with my kids.  Here are some links to help you when planning your next science topic…

  • Science Fair 2011 This is an overview of my oldest son’s science project from this year.

Do you have any other resources you would like to share?

Heidi, a contributing author here at Habits for a Happy Home, is a homeschooling mom to three boys, ages 7, 5 and 3. Find her sharing a mixture of couponing, cost savings strategies and more on her blog, Heidi’s Miscellany.